Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Cutting it short

To get directly to the point: the figure for last post was diacope, Greek for "cutting through", meaning repetition with only a word or two between: "nonsense, sheer, utter nonsense...."

My guest and I drained a bottle of wine over good conversation tonight. On the one hand, the wine was "The 7 Deadly Zins"; on the other hand, my guest was a priest, so it all balanced out. Between the wine and the priest, time has slipped away for writing even the briefest, the most useless and the briefest of posts.


"Father Barry" said...

"Brazen" became "utter?" Those don't seem like quite the same thing...

I love the figure, though. I think I use that one quite frequently. I just never knew what it was called. (And I'll probably forget right away.)

Do I know this Zin-sipping priest? Or have you been holding out on me?

Ignoramus said...

Yes, you know him. His name is Nicholo Machiavelli.

"Brazen" muted to "utter" only after a half a bottle of wine and the turning of Cinderella's coach into a pumpkin. Won't happen again.